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Sweet treat

Craving something sweet, crunchy, nutty and filling! I got you. This easy snack takes just a couple minutes to put together and contains nutrient-dense ingredients which are excellent for your health.
Here's what you'll need
  1. 1 banana

  2. 1 tbsp hemp seeds

  3. 1 tbsp ground flax seeds

  4. 1 tbsp slivered raw almonds

  5. 1 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds

  6. 1/2 tbsp honey

Simply add all the ingredients to a serving dish or bowl, mix and enjoy!

Health Benefits of banana

Bananas are a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins C and B6.

Heart Health: Bananas are a good source of fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Digestive Health: Bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Blood Pressure: Bananas are a good source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure.

Bone Health: Bananas are a good source of calcium, which can help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Weight Loss: Bananas are low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer and aid in weight loss.

Health Benefits of hemp seeds

Rich in Essential Nutrients: Hemp seeds are an excellent source of plant-based protein and essential fatty acids. They are also a great source of vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and fiber.

May Reduce Inflammation: Hemp seeds contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory properties.

May Help Lower Cholesterol: Hemp seeds are high in fiber, which can help reduce cholesterol levels.

May Help Improve Heart Health: Hemp seeds are high in arginine, an amino acid that helps produce nitric oxide, which helps relax blood vessels and improve circulation.

May Help Improve Skin Health: Hemp seeds are high in essential fatty acids, which can help improve skin health and reduce inflammation.

May Help Improve Digestive Health: Hemp seeds are high in fiber, which can help improve digestion and reduce constipation.

Health Benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are especially high in magnesium, zinc, and iron.

May Help Manage Diabetes: Pumpkin seeds are high in fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.

May Help Reduce Inflammation: Pumpkin seeds are high in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

May Help Improve Sleep: Pumpkin seeds are high in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps promote sleep.

May Help Reduce Cancer Risk: Pumpkin seeds are high in antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Health Benefits of flax seeds

High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Flax seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for optimal health.

Rich in Antioxidants: Flax seeds are rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

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